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Or everybody or nobody (9)

Psychology must be a complete study about the human mind, the context, the relationships and the changes in this stuff. study about how the subject changes when the society changes; in this fine line between theory and practice when found the black hole in the psychology. We study the big ideas from another time, another context, another speech about the human, we try learn an apply this theories, but we can´t, we found the big trouble of the social science: the society run faster than the theory, and with this point we can ask to the academy about the real useful, the real way to learn a psychology responsible with an actual world, actual diversity an speech about human behavior. In my career don´t have many practice activities, we don´t touch the exterior world until you finished the studies, we don´t know nothing about the real clinical subject, we only know about the theory, ooooold theory, or actual theory, but in the comfortable academy. In this career need talk about the actual people, the diversity and inclusion, how the society react with violence, jokes and punishment. I propose more activities outside the university, more contact with the real world and his complex structure, we need know about the oppressors and oppressed, how the society create this people, and his fears and angers, how help, how feel this people and make the world a place with everybody ... or nobody. I think this is the most important for a social scientist, use this discipline for a social change.
